Trays is valid Scrabble Word

Is trays a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is trays valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TRAYS in dictionary:

Words related to TRAYS


Words that contain TRAYS

strays9 betrays12 estrays10 ashtrays14 laptrays13 portrays13 pourtrays14

How to use TRAYS in a sentence

Similar words containing TRAY without suffix s

tray7 stray8 trayf11 astray9 betray11 estray9 strays9 trayne9 intray9 ashtray13 betrays12 estrays10 laptray12 portray12 strayed11 strayer10 strayve13 traybit12 trayful13 trayned11 traynes10 ashtrays14 betrayal13 betrayed14 betrayer13 estrayed12 laptrays13 portrays13 pourtray13 purtrayd14 strayers11 straying12 strayved15 strayves14 traybake17 traybits13 trayfuls14 trayning12 betrayals14 betrayers14 betraying15 estraying13 portrayal14 portrayed15 portrayer14 pourtrayd15 pourtrays14 strayings13 strayling13 strayving16 traybakes18 traycloth17 mistrayned16 portrayals15 portrayers15 portraying16 pourtrayed16 straylings14 traycloths18 traymobile17 unbetrayed16 contrayerva19 disentrayle15 portrayable18 pourtraying17 traymobiles18 contrayervas20 disentrayled17 disentrayles16 disentrayling18
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