Trig is valid Scrabble Word

Is trig a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is trig valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TRIG in dictionary:

Words related to TRIG

trigged10 trigger9 triggest10 trigging11 trigly10 trigness9 trigs6

Words that contain TRIG

strig6 trigo6 trigs6 outrig7 striga7 strigs7 trigly10 trigon7 trigos7 outrigs8 strigae8 strigil8 trigamy13 trigged10 trigger9 triglot8 trigons8 trigram10 intrigue9 outright12 oystrige12 strigate9 strigged11 strigils9 strigine9 strigose9 triggers10 triggest10 trigging11 triglots9 triglyph17 trigness9 trigonal9 trigonic11 trigrams11 trigraph14 trigones9 catrigged14 intrigant10 intrigued11 intriguer10 intrigues10 outrigged12 outrigger11 oystriges13 strigging12 trigamies12 trigamist12 trigamous12 trigemini12 triggered12 triglyphs18 trigonous10 trigraphs15 trigynian13 trigynous13 ditriglyph20 intertrigo11 intrigante11 intrigants11 intriguant11 intriguers11 intriguing12 outriggers12 outrigging13 outrightly17 strigiform16 trigamists13 trigeminal13 trigeminus13 triggering13 triggerman14 triggermen14 triglyphic21 trignesses11 trigonally14 trigrammic17 trigraphic18 ditriglyphs21 intertrigos12 intrigantes12 intriguante12 intriguants12 outintrigue12 outriggings14 trigeminals14 triggerfish19 triggerless13 ditriglyphic24 elytrigerous16 intriguantes13 intriguingly17 outintrigued14 outintrigues13 triglyceride19 triglyphical23 trigonometer15 trigonometry18 trigrammatic19 nutrigenetics16 nutrigenomics18 Show more ...

How to use TRIG in a sentence

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