Trem is valid Scrabble Word

Is trem a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is trem valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for TREM in dictionary:

Words related to TREM


Words that contain TREM

trema7 trems7 tremas8 tremie8 tremor8 extrema16 extreme16 tremble11 trembly14 tremies9 tremolo9 tremors9 atremble12 diatreme11 entremes10 extremal17 extremer17 extremes17 extremum19 outremer10 trematic12 trembled13 trembler12 trembles12 tremblor12 tremolos10 tremored11 diatremes12 entremets11 extremals18 extremely21 extremest18 extremism20 extremist18 extremity21 extremums20 monotreme13 outremers11 trematode12 trematoid12 tremblant13 tremblers13 tremblier13 trembling14 tremblors13 tremolant11 tremolite11 tremoring12 tremorous11 tremulant11 tremulate11 tremulous11 unextreme18 centreman13 centremen13 entremesse12 extremisms21 extremists19 monotremes14 trematodes13 trematoids13 trembliest14 tremblings15 tremendous13 tremolandi13 tremolando13 tremolants12 tremolites12 tremolitic14 tremorless12 tremulants12 tremulated13 tremulates12 centremost14 arbitrement15 entremesses13 extremeness20 extremities20 tremblement17 tremblingly19 tremolandos14 tremulating14 tremulously16 untrembling16 untremulous13 accoutrement18 accustrement18 arbitrements16 extremophile26 saltpetreman16 saltpetremen16 tremblements18 tremendously18 untremendous15 hyponatremia22 hyponatremic24 accoustrement19 accoutrements19 accustrements19 extremenesses22 extremophiles27 Show more ...
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