Tis is valid Scrabble Word

Is tis a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is tis valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TIS in dictionary:

Words related to TIS


Words that contain TIS

utis4 antis5 artis5 cutis7 intis5 katis9 kutis9 metis7 mitis7 motis7 mutis7 natis5 rotis5 satis5 titis5 yetis8 zatis14 zitis14 aartis6 abatis8 agutis7 artist6 autism8 autist6 baltis8 bastis8 bestis8 betise8 bustis8 coatis8 cotise8 cytisi11 dhotis10 dhutis10 dotish10 factis11 fetish12 fortis9 gratis7 iritis6 kattis10 latish9 lutist6 mantis8 muftis11 murtis8 mutism10 ngatis7 otitis6 partis8 pastis8 ptisan8 rostis6 saktis10 syrtis9 testis6 tisane6 tisick12 tissue6 tiswas9 tuttis6 ulitis6 utises6 pettis8 voltis9 fatism11 fatist9 abattis9 aetatis7 agatise8 agoutis8 amautis9 antisag8 antisex14 artisan7 artiste7 artists7 atishoo10 autisms9 autists7 azotise16 baptise11 baptism13 baptist11 batiste9 betises9 bhaktis16 bhistis12 brutish12 brutism11 buritis9 cattish12 cecitis11 chattis12 chutist12 colitis9 coltish12 cotised10 cotises9 cottise9 coxitis16 Show more ...

How to use TIS in a sentence

Similar words containing TI without suffix s

ti2 tic5 tid4 tie3 tig4 tik7 til3 tin3 tip5 tit3 tix10 tiz12 anti4 arti4 etic6 inti4 kati8 kuti8 lati4 loti4 moti6 muti6 otic6 roti4 sati4 stie4 stim6 stir4 tian4 tiar4 tice6 tich9 tick10 tics6 tide5 tids5 tidy8 tied5 tier4 ties4 tiff10 tift7 tige5 tigs5 tika8 tike8 tiki8 tiks8 tile4 till4 tils4 tilt4 time6 tina4 tind5 tine4 ting5 tink8 tins4 tint4 tiny7 tipi6 tips6 tipt6 tire4 tirl4 tiro4 tirr4 tite4 titi4 tits4 tivy10 tiyn7 tizz22 utis4 yeti7 zati13 ziti13 tifo7 jati11 aarti5 actin7 aguti6 antic7 antis5 artic7 artis5 astir5 atigi6 atilt5 atimy10 attic7 balti7 basti7 batik11 besti7 betid8 busti7 cacti9 cesti7 Show more ...
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