Antis is valid Scrabble Word

Is antis a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is antis valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ANTIS in dictionary:

Words related to ANTIS


Words that contain ANTIS

mantis8 antisag8 antisex14 shantis10 antisera8 antiship13 antiskid13 antislip10 antismog11 antismut10 antisnob10 antispam12 antistat8 avantist11 chiantis13 giantism11 mantises10 mantissa10 merantis10 quantise17 antiscian11 antisense9 antiserum11 antishake16 antishark16 antishock18 antisleep11 antismoke15 antisnobs11 antisolar9 antispast11 antistate9 antistats9 antistick15 antistory12 antistyle12 avantists12 giantisms12 gigantism13 mantissas11 pedantise12 pedantism14 quantised19 quantiser18 quantises18 tarantism11 tarantist9 antiscians12 antisepses12 antisepsis12 antiseptic14 antiserums12 antisexist17 antisexual17 antishakes17 antishocks19 antismoker16 antisocial12 antispasts12 antistatic12 antistress10 antistrike14 antistyles13 antisyzygy29 gigantisms14 pedantised14 pedantises13 pedantisms15 quantisers19 quantising20 tarantisms12 tarantists10 warrantise13 antisodomy16 antiscience15 antisecrecy18 antiseizure20 antiseptics15 antisexists18 antisexuals18 antislavery17 antismokers17 antismoking18 antispastic15 antistatics13 antistories11 antistrophe16 antistudent12 antisubsidy17 antisuicide14 corybantism20 faineantise14 pantisocrat15 pedantising15 unquantised21 vigilantism17 warrantised15 warrantises14 antisocials13 antistatist11 antisciences16 Show more ...

How to use ANTIS in a sentence

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