Anti is valid Scrabble Word

Is anti a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is anti valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ANTI in dictionary:

Words related to ANTI


Words that contain ANTI

antic7 antis5 tanti5 antiar6 antick12 antics8 anting7 avanti9 cantic10 mantic10 mantid9 mantis8 pantie8 santim8 santir6 shanti9 antifa9 antiair7 antiars7 antibug10 antical9 anticar9 anticke13 anticks13 anticly12 antient7 antifat10 antiflu10 antifog11 antifur10 antigay11 antigen8 antigun8 antijam16 antilog8 antiman9 antimen9 antings8 antipot9 antique16 antired8 antisag8 antisex14 antitax14 antiwar10 banties9 banting10 cantico11 cantier9 cantily12 cantina9 canting10 cantion9 chantie12 chianti12 danting9 frantic12 ganting9 hanting11 jantier14 janties14 kanting12 mantids10 manties9 meranti9 panties9 pantile9 pantine9 panting10 quantic18 ranting8 santimi9 santims9 santimu9 santirs7 shantih13 shantis10 tantivy13 wanties10 wanting11 antifas10 antivax17 tanties7 antiacne10 antiarin8 antiatom10 antibias10 antibody14 antiboss10 anticise10 anticity13 anticize19 anticked15 antickes14 anticold11 anticous10 anticult10 antidora9 antidote9 antidrug10 antidune9 Show more ...

How to use ANTI in a sentence

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