Antibias is valid Scrabble Word

Is antibias a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is antibias valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ANTIBIAS in dictionary:

Similar words containing BIA without suffix s and without prefix anti

bias6 obia6 biach12 biali7 bialy10 cobia9 erbia7 labia7 nubia7 obias7 tibia7 urbia7 akebia12 bialis8 bialys11 biased9 biases8 biatch13 biaxal15 cambia12 cobias10 cumbia12 erbias8 gambia11 labial8 nubias8 phobia13 terbia8 tibiae8 tibial8 tibias8 unbias8 urbias8 aerobia9 akebias13 biaches14 bialies9 biasing10 biassed10 biasses9 biaxial16 cambial13 cumbias13 exurbia16 galabia10 gambias12 hasbian12 labials9 labiate9 lesbian9 misbias11 phobias14 stibial9 terbias9 ambiance14 amphibia17 biacetyl15 biannual10 biasedly14 biasings11 biasness10 biassing11 biatches15 biathlon13 bilabial12 coenobia12 conurbia12 dahabiah17 euphobia15 exurbias17 galabiah14 galabias11 gallabia11 hasbians13 labially13 labiated11 labiates10 lesbians10 rhizobia22 suburbia12 tibiales10 tibialis10 unbiased11 unbiases10 verbiage14 ytterbia13 adverbial15 ambiances15 amebiases13 amebiasis13 amphibian18 anaerobia11 biacetyls16 biannuals11 biassedly15 biathlete14 biathlons14 biaxially21 bilabials13 bilabiate13 Show more ...
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