Colitis is valid Scrabble Word

Is colitis a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is colitis valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for COLITIS in dictionary:

Words related to COLITIS

colitic11 colitises11 colonitis11

Words that contain COLITIS

colitises11 enterocolitis15 enterocolitises17

How to use COLITIS in a sentence

Similar words containing LITI without suffix s and without prefix co

clitic10 liting7 ulitis6 aplitic11 clitics11 colitic11 elitism9 elitist7 fliting11 illitic9 militia9 oolitic9 pelitic11 politic11 elitisms10 elitists8 enclitic12 haplitic15 hoplitic15 litigant9 litigate9 marlitic12 mellitic12 militias10 myelitis13 nolition8 perlitic12 politick16 politico12 politics12 polities10 poplitic14 pyelitic15 pyelitis13 spilitic12 stylitic13 tallitim10 thelitis11 ulitises8 uralitic10 uvulitis11 volition11 volitive14 zeolitic19 zoolitic19 abilities11 abolition11 aerolitic11 agilities10 anaclitic13 analities9 anilities9 cheilitis14 cliticise13 cliticize22 coalition11 colitises11 dualities10 egalities10 enclitics13 exilities16 impolitic15 jollities16 lipolitic13 litigable12 litigants10 litigated11 litigates10 litigator10 litigious10 mollities11 nolitions9 nullities9 oralities9 ovalities12 pearlitic13 phyllitic19 pisolitic13 political13 politicks17 politicly16 politicos13 politique20 proclitic15 qualitied19 qualities18 realities9 rhyolitic17 stylitism14 tonalitic11 typhlitic19 typhlitis17 unpolitic13 uralitise9 uralitize18 utilities9 volitient12 volitions12 volitives15 abolitions12 Show more ...
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