Ties is valid Scrabble Word

Is ties a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ties valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TIES in dictionary:

Words related to TIES

dainty10 rurality11 tie3 tied5 tieing7 tying9 constitutionality22

Words that contain TIES

sties5 arties6 cities8 cuties8 duties7 maties8 pities8 reties6 taties6 unties6 upties8 yities9 outies6 amities9 artiest7 aunties7 banties9 batties9 bawties12 besties9 betties9 bitties9 boaties9 booties9 botties9 boxties16 bufties12 butties9 catties9 cooties9 cutties9 dafties11 dauties8 dawties11 deities8 dirties8 ditties8 dotiest8 empties11 fasties10 fatties10 fifties13 footies10 forties10 goaties8 goeties8 gutties8 hetties10 hogties11 hosties10 hotties10 janties14 jetties14 jonties14 jutties14 kelties11 kilties11 kitties11 laities7 lefties10 linties7 manties9 matiest9 matties9 mitiest9 monties9 motiest9 motties9 nasties7 netties7 nifties10 oatiest7 panties9 parties9 pasties9 patties9 petties9 pieties9 platies9 ponties9 posties9 potties9 praties9 punties9 putties9 rooties7 salties7 seities7 sixties14 softies10 sonties7 sorties7 souties7 tatties7 titties7 torties7 totties7 tutties7 tysties10 unities7 wanties10 Show more ...

How to use TIES in a sentence

Similar words containing TIE without suffix s

tie3 stie4 tied5 tier4 cutie7 retie5 stied6 sties5 tatie5 tiers5 untie5 uptie7 yitie8 outie5 artier6 arties6 auntie6 bawtie11 bestie8 bittie8 boatie8 bootie8 buftie11 cattie8 certie8 citied9 cities8 cootie8 cuties8 daftie10 dautie7 dawtie10 dotier7 dutied8 duties7 fastie9 footie9 gustie7 hettie9 histie9 hogtie10 hostie9 hottie9 keltie10 kiltie10 leftie9 lintie6 matier8 maties8 mattie8 metier8 mitier8 motier8 nettie6 oatier6 pantie8 pastie8 pattie8 pitied9 pitier8 pities8 pontie8 postie8 pratie8 puttie8 retied7 reties6 saltie6 softie9 sortie6 soutie6 stieve9 taties6 tattie6 tawtie9 tentie6 tieing7 tiepin8 tierce8 tiered7 tietac8 tittie6 tortie6 tottie6 toutie6 tystie9 untied7 unties6 uptied9 upties8 westie9 wettie9 yettie9 yities9 tierod7 bowtie11 outies6 amities9 antient7 artiest7 Show more ...
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