Matier is valid Scrabble Word

Is matier a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is matier valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for MATIER in dictionary:

Words related to MATIER

matey10 matiest9 maty9

Similar words containing MATI without suffix er

matin7 matico10 maties8 matily11 mating9 matins8 matipo10 acmatic13 amating10 amation9 amative12 animati9 basmati11 comatic13 comatik15 cymatia14 domatia10 hematic14 hematin12 himatia12 ismatic11 komatik17 mammati13 maticos11 matiest9 matilda10 matinal9 matinee9 matings10 matipos11 nematic11 osmatic11 sematic11 simatic11 somatic11 amations10 animatic12 aromatic12 basmatis12 clematis12 climatic14 comatiks16 cymatics17 cymatium17 dalmatic13 dermatic13 dogmatic14 domatium13 dramatic13 gammatia13 haematic15 haematin13 hematics15 hematine13 hematins13 hematite13 himation13 komatiks18 limation10 magmatic15 matildas11 matinees10 matiness10 nematics12 neumatic12 pelmatic14 poematic14 primatic14 remating11 rhematic15 sigmatic13 somatism12 somatist10 stomatic12 thematic15 trematic12 amatively17 animatics13 animating12 animation11 animatism13 animatist11 anosmatic13 aromatics13 aromatise11 aromatize20 asthmatic16 athematic16 automatic13 axiomatic20 bregmatic16 bromating14 calmative16 chromatic18 chromatid17 chromatin16 cinematic15 climating14 climatise13 climatize22 Show more ...
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