Pine is valid Scrabble Word

Is pine a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is pine valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PINE in dictionary:

Words related to PINE

pined8 pinelike14 pines7 piney10 pining9 pyne9

Words that contain PINE

opine7 pined8 pines7 piney10 spine7 alpine8 aspine8 lupine8 opined9 opines8 orpine8 pineal8 pinene8 pinery11 pineta8 rapine8 repine8 spined9 spinel8 spines8 spinet8 supine8 alepine9 alpines9 aspines9 chopine14 elapine9 forpine12 lupines9 orpines9 pineals9 pinenes9 pinesap11 pinetum11 propine11 rapines9 repined10 repiner9 repines9 spinels9 spinets9 supines9 tropine9 vespine12 vulpine12 terpine9 alepines10 alpinely13 atropine10 chopines15 dopiness11 forpined14 forpines13 mopiness12 pinecone12 pineland11 pinelike14 pineries10 pinesaps12 pinewood14 pipiness12 polypine15 propined13 propines12 repiners10 resupine10 ropiness10 spinelle10 spinette10 supinely13 tropines10 terpines10 albespine13 atropines11 bumpiness15 campiness15 cisalpine13 clozapine22 crepiness13 dippiness14 dumpiness14 epineural11 epineuria11 gaspiness12 goopiness12 gossypine15 grapiness12 happiness16 hippiness16 humpiness16 jumpiness20 lippiness13 loopiness11 lumpiness13 nappiness13 nippiness13 peppiness15 pineapple15 pinecones13 pinedrops14 pinelands12 Show more ...

How to use PINE in a sentence

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