Pa is valid Scrabble Word

Is pa a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is pa valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PA in dictionary:

Words related to PA

pah8 pas5

Words that contain PA

opa5 pac7 pad6 pah8 pak9 pal5 pam7 pan5 pap7 par5 pas5 pat5 pav8 paw8 pax12 pay8 spa5 apay9 arpa6 capa8 dopa7 kapa10 lipa6 napa6 nipa6 opah9 opal6 opas6 oupa6 paal6 paan6 paca8 pace8 pack12 paco8 pacs8 pact8 pacy11 padi7 pads7 page7 pahs9 paid7 paik10 pail6 pain6 pair6 pais6 paks10 pale6 pali6 pall6 palm8 palp8 pals6 paly9 pams8 pand7 pane6 pang7 pans6 pant6 papa8 pape8 paps8 para6 pard7 pare6 park10 parp8 parr6 pars6 part6 pase6 pash9 pass6 past6 pate6 path9 pats6 patu6 paty9 paua6 paul6 pave9 pavs9 pawa9 pawk13 pawl9 pawn9 paws9 pays9 pipa8 pupa8 spae6 spag7 spam8 span6 spar6 spas6 spat6 Show more ...

How to use PA in a sentence

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