Vest is valid Scrabble Word

Is vest a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is vest valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for VEST in dictionary:

Words related to VEST

semmit10 undervest13 vested10 vesting11 vestings12 vestless11 vestlike15 vests8

Words that contain VEST

vesta8 vests8 devest10 divest10 favest12 invest9 jivest16 livest9 revest9 vestal9 vestas9 vested10 vestee9 vestry12 bravest12 devests11 divests11 gravest11 harvest13 invests10 lievest10 mauvest12 naivest10 revests10 suavest10 vestals10 vestees10 vestige11 vesting11 vestral10 vesture10 devested13 divested13 harvests14 invested12 investor11 izvestia20 reinvest11 revested12 revestry14 steevest11 stievest11 travesty14 unvested12 vestally14 vestiary14 vestiges12 vestigia12 vestings12 vestless11 vestlike15 vestment13 vestries11 vestural11 vestured12 vesturer11 vestures11 coinvest13 devesting14 disinvest13 divesting14 divesture13 harvested16 harvester15 investing13 investors12 izvestias21 izvestiya24 livestock18 nonvested13 reinvests12 revesting13 transvest12 undervest13 vestibula14 vestibule14 vestigial13 vestigium15 vestiment14 vestiture12 vestments14 vestryman17 vestrymen17 vesturers12 vesturing13 coinvests14 coinvestor15 disinvests14 divestible16 divestment16 divestures14 gravestone14 harvesters16 harvesting17 harvestman18 harvestmen18 investable15 investible15 investment15 izvestiyas25 livestocks19 Show more ...

How to use VEST in a sentence

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