Confer is valid Scrabble Word

Is confer a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is confer valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for CONFER in dictionary:

Words related to CONFER

collation11 collations12 conferment17 conferments18 conferrable18 conferral14 conferrals15 conferred15 conferrer14 conferrers15 conferring16 confers12

Words that contain CONFER

confers12 conferee13 conferva16 reconfer13 conferees14 conferral14 conferred15 conferree14 conferrer14 confervae17 conferval17 confervas17 reconfers14 conference17 conferment17 conferrals15 conferrees15 conferrers15 conferring16 confervoid19 conferences18 conferments18 conferrable18 conferrence18 confervoids20 reconferred17 conferenced19 conferencier19 conferencing20 conferential17 conferrences19 reconferring18 conferenciers20 conferencings21 nonconference20 teleconference21 nonconferences21 teleconferences22 videoconference26 teleconferenced23 teleconferencin22 videoconferenci26 videoconferences27 teleconferencing24 teleconferencings25 videoconferencing29 videoconferencings30

How to use CONFER in a sentence

Similar words containing NF without suffix er and without prefix co

conf9 info7 confs10 enfix15 infer8 infix15 infos8 infra8 unfed9 unfit8 unfix15 canful11 confab13 confit11 confix18 dinful10 enface11 enfant9 enfire9 enfold10 enform11 enfree9 fanfic14 infall9 infame11 infamy14 infant9 infare9 infect11 infeed10 infeft12 infelt9 infere9 infers9 infest9 infill9 infima11 infirm11 inflow12 influx16 infold10 inform11 infula9 infuse9 konfyt16 manful11 nonfan9 nonfat9 onfall9 onflow12 panfry14 panful11 penful11 sinful9 tinful9 unfact11 unfair9 unfeed10 unfelt9 unfine9 unfirm11 unfits9 unfixt16 unfold10 unfond10 unfool9 unform11 unfree9 unfurl9 urnful9 bonfire12 canfuls12 coinfer12 confabs14 confect14 confers12 confess12 confest12 confide13 confine12 confirm14 confits12 conflux19 conform14 confuse12 confute12 cornfed13 cornfly15 dernful11 enfaced13 enfaces12 enfants10 enfelon10 enfeoff16 enfever13 enfiled11 enfired11 enfires10 enfixed18 enfixes17 Show more ...
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