Infos is valid Scrabble Word

Is infos a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is infos valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for INFOS in dictionary:

Words related to INFOS


Words that contain INFOS

infosphere18 infospheres19

Similar words containing FO without suffix s and without prefix in

fob8 foe6 fog7 foh9 fon6 foo6 fop8 for6 fou6 fox13 foy9 ufo6 bufo9 defo8 foal7 foam9 fobs9 foci9 foen7 foes7 fogs8 fogy11 fohn10 foid8 foil7 foin7 fold8 folk11 fond8 fone7 fons7 font7 food8 fool7 foos7 foot7 fops9 fora7 forb9 ford8 fore7 fork11 form9 fort7 foss7 foud8 foul7 four7 fous7 fowl10 foxy17 foys10 fozy19 info7 mofo9 ufos7 fohs10 fomo9 tifo7 fori7 foie7 afoot8 afore8 afoul8 befog11 biffo13 boffo13 buffo13 bufos10 cuffo13 deffo12 defog10 foals8 foams10 foamy13 focal10 focus10 foehn11 fogey12 foggy13 fogie9 fogle9 fogou9 fohns11 foids9 foils8 foins8 foist8 folds9 foley11 folia8 folic10 folie8 folio8 folks12 folky15 folly11 fomes10 fonda9 fonds9 Show more ...
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