Fool is valid Scrabble Word

Is fool a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is fool valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for FOOL in dictionary:

Words related to FOOL

bampot12 capocchia20 charlie12 cokes11 fooled10 fooling11 foolings12 fools8 haverel13 jackass20 jolthead19 lackland15 mome8 nerk8 nidget8 ninnyhammer21 shithead15 shlemiehl17 tomfool12 wof9

Words that contain FOOL

fools8 befool11 fooled10 unfool9 befools12 damfool13 foolery13 fooling11 foolish13 outfool10 tomfool12 unfools10 befooled14 damfools14 foolfish17 foolings12 foolscap15 outfools11 tomfools13 unfooled12 archfool16 befooling15 fooleries12 foolhardy19 foolisher15 foolishly18 foolproof17 foolscaps16 outfooled13 tomfooled15 unfooling13 archfools17 foolbegged18 foolfishes19 foolishest16 outfooling14 tomfoolery18 tomfooling16 tomfoolish18 foolhardier18 foolhardily21 foolhardise18 foolhardize27 foolishness17 foolhardiest19 foolhardises19 foolhardizes28 tomfooleries17 foolhardiness20 foolishnesses19 tomfoolishness22 foolhardinesses22

How to use FOOL in a sentence

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