Deficient is valid Scrabble Word

Is deficient a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is deficient valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DEFICIENT in dictionary:

Words related to DEFICIENT

deficience18 deficiences19 deficiently20 deficientness19 deficientnesses21 deficients16

Words that contain DEFICIENT

deficients16 deficiently20 deficientness19 deficientnesses21 immunodeficient25

How to use DEFICIENT in a sentence

Similar words containing FICI without suffix ent and without prefix de

ficin10 ficins11 deficit13 deficits14 official16 difficile18 edificial15 efficient17 officials17 officiant17 officiary20 officiate17 officinal17 officious17 orificial14 sufficing18 surficial14 tubificid17 aficionada16 aficionado16 artificial15 beneficial17 beneficing18 deficience18 deficiency21 deficients16 efficience20 efficiency23 efficients18 maleficial17 officially21 officialty21 officiants18 officiated19 officiates18 officiator18 officinals18 pacificism21 pacificist19 perficient17 proficient17 sufficient18 tubificids18 unofficial18 afficionado20 aficionadas17 aficionados17 beneficials18 beneficiary21 beneficiate18 carnificial18 coefficient21 deficiences19 deficiently20 efficiences21 efficiently22 inefficient19 inofficious19 nonofficial19 officialdom22 officialese19 officialism21 officiality22 officiaries19 officiating20 officiation19 officiators19 officinally22 officiously22 pacificisms22 pacificists20 perficients18 proficience20 proficiency23 proficients18 prolificity21 sacrificial18 sacrificing19 satisficing17 specificity23 sufficience21 sufficiency24 sufficients19 superficial18 superficies18 unofficious19 veneficious19 afficionados21 artificially20 beneficially22 beneficiated20 beneficiates19 coefficients22 deficiencies20 efficiencies22 inartificial17 inefficiency25 inefficients20 insufficient20 nonofficials20 Show more ...
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