Foul is valid Scrabble Word

Is foul a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is foul valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for FOUL in dictionary:

Words related to FOUL

dreggish14 fouled10 fouler9 foulest10 fouling11 foulings12 foully12 fouls8

Words that contain FOUL

afoul8 foule8 fouls8 befoul11 defoul10 fouled10 fouler9 foules9 foulie9 foully12 befouls12 defouls11 foulard11 foulder11 foulest10 foulies10 fouling11 befouled14 befouler13 defouled13 foulards12 foulders12 foulings12 foulmart13 foulness11 overfoul14 befoulers14 befouling15 biofouler14 defouling14 foulbrood15 fouldered14 foulmarts14 befoulment17 biofoulers15 biofouling16 foulbroods16 fouldering15 foulnesses13 antifouling15 befoulments18 biofoulings17 enfouldered16 foulmouthed20 refoulement16 antifoulings16 refoulements17

How to use FOUL in a sentence

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