Excrement is valid Scrabble Word

Is excrement a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is excrement valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for EXCREMENT in dictionary:

Words related to EXCREMENT

cack12 doodoo8 eccrisis12 excremental22 excrementitious26 excrements21 excreta16 merde8 ordure7

Words that contain EXCREMENT

excrementa21 excrements21 excremental22 excrementum24 excrementitial25 excrementitious26

How to use EXCREMENT in a sentence

Similar words containing CREM without suffix ent and without prefix ex

crem8 creme9 crems9 cremes10 cremor10 cremant11 cremate11 cremini11 cremona11 cremors11 cremsin11 cremains12 cremated13 cremates12 cremator12 creminis12 cremonas12 cremorne12 cremosin12 cremaster13 cremating14 cremation13 cremators13 crematory16 cremocarp17 cremornes13 decrement14 incremate13 increment13 recrement13 cremasters14 cremations14 crematoria14 cremocarps18 decrements15 excrementa21 excrements21 incremated15 incremates14 increments14 recrements14 cremaillere15 crematorial15 crematories15 crematorium17 decremental16 decremented17 excremental22 excrementum24 incremating16 incremation15 incremental15 incremented16 recremental15 concremation18 cremailleres16 cremationism18 cremationist16 crematoriums18 decrementing18 incremations16 incrementals16 incrementing17 concremations19 cremationisms19 cremationists17 eccremocarpus23 incrementally20 excrementitial25 incrementalism20 incrementalist18 recrementitial18 eccremocarpuses25 excrementitious26 incrementalisms21 incrementalists19 recrementitious19
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