Weeds is valid Scrabble Word

Is weeds a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is weeds valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for WEEDS in dictionary:

Words related to WEEDS

weed8 weeded11 weeding12

Words that contain WEEDS

tweeds10 burweeds14 cudweeds15 dyeweeds16 gumweeds15 hogweeds16 matweeds14 mayweeds17 oarweeds12 oreweeds12 outweeds12 pigweeds15 pinweeds14 ragweeds13 seaweeds12 tarweeds12 waxweeds22 agueweeds14 bindweeds16 blueweeds15 bullweeds15 daneweeds14 deerweeds14 dillweeds14 duckweeds20 fireweeds16 flixweeds23 goatweeds14 goutweeds14 gulfweeds17 hawkweeds23 hempweeds20 ironweeds13 itchweeds18 knapweeds19 knotweeds17 locoweeds15 milkweeds19 neckweeds19 pokeweeds19 pondweeds16 richweeds18 rockweeds19 silkweeds17 snapweeds15 sumpweeds17 wartweeds16 brookweeds20 bugleweeds17 catchweeds21 chickweeds25 clearweeds16 colicweeds18 crazyweeds28 feverweeds20 greenweeds15 horseweeds17 jewelweeds24 jointweeds21 riverweeds17 rosinweeds14 shoreweeds17 skunkweeds22 slinkweeds18 smartweeds16 snakeweeds18 stickweeds20 stinkweeds18 superweeds16 waterweeds17 witchweeds22 beggarweeds19 bishopweeds22 bitterweeds17 butterweeds17 carpetweeds19 cottonweeds17 jimsonweeds24 maidenweeds18 silverweeds18 sneezeweeds24 tangleweeds16 tumbleweeds19 yellowweeds21 pickleweeds23 blanketweeds22 thimbleweeds23 trumpetweeds20 pickerelweeds25

How to use WEEDS in a sentence

Similar words containing WEED without suffix s

weed8 sweed9 tweed9 weedy12 tweeds10 tweedy13 weeded11 weeder10 burweed13 cudweed14 dyeweed15 gumweed14 hogweed15 matweed13 mayweed16 oarweed11 oreweed11 outweed11 pigweed14 pinweed13 ragweed12 seaweed11 tarweed11 tweedle11 waxweed21 weedbed14 weeders11 weedery14 weedier11 weedily14 weeding12 weeweed14 agueweed13 antiweed12 bindweed15 blueweed14 bullweed14 burweeds14 cudweeds15 daneweed13 deerweed13 dillweed13 duckweed19 dyeweeds16 fireweed15 flixweed22 goatweed13 goutweed13 gulfweed16 gumweeds15 hawkweed22 hempweed19 hogweeds16 ironweed12 itchweed17 knapweed18 knotweed16 locoweed14 matweeds14 mayweeds17 milkweed18 neckweed18 oarweeds12 oreweeds12 outweeds12 pigweeds15 pinweeds14 pokeweed18 pondweed15 ragweeds13 richweed17 rockweed18 seaweeds12 seaweedy15 silkweed16 snapweed14 sumpweed16 tarweeds12 tweedier12 tweedily15 tweedled13 tweedler12 tweedles12 unweeded13 wartweed15 waxweeds22 weedbeds15 weedhead16 weediest12 weedings13 weedless12 weedlike16 weedline12 agueweeds14 bindweeds16 blueweeds15 brookweed19 bugleweed16 bullweeds15 catchweed20 Show more ...
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