Hid is valid Scrabble Word

Is hid a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is hid valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for HID in dictionary:

Words related to HID

hide8 hides9 hiding11

Words that contain HID

chid10 hide8 whid11 aphid11 chide11 hided10 hider9 hides9 whids12 aphids12 chided13 chider12 chides12 hidage11 hidden11 hidder11 hiders10 hiding11 orchid12 oxhide17 shahid13 whidah16 aphides13 bruchid15 bushido13 chidden14 chiders13 chiding14 cowhide16 echidna13 glochid14 hidable13 hidages12 hidalga12 hidalgo12 hidders12 hideous11 hideout11 hidings12 hidling12 hidlins11 orchids13 outchid13 oxhides18 raphide13 rawhide14 shahids14 shidder12 sulphid13 sylphid16 syrphid16 whidahs17 whidded16 whidder15 murshid13 aphidian14 bruchids16 bushidos14 chidings15 cowhided18 cowhides17 echidnae14 echidnas14 glochids15 hidalgas13 hidalgos13 hiddenly16 hideaway18 hideless12 hideouts12 hidlings13 hidroses12 hidrosis12 hidrotic14 ochidore14 ophidian14 outchide14 phosphid19 rachides14 raphides14 rawhided16 rawhides15 rhaphide17 shidders13 shidduch18 sulphide14 sulphids14 sylphide17 sylphids17 syrphids17 unhidden13 whidders16 whidding17 murshids14 aphidians15 aphidious15 chidingly19 chidlings16 cowhiding19 didelphid17 echidnine15 Show more ...

How to use HID in a sentence

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