Nis is valid Scrabble Word

Is nis a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is nis valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for NIS in dictionary:

Words related to NIS

nisse5 nisses6

Words that contain NIS

anis4 nish7 nisi4 unis4 anise5 benis7 denis6 fenis8 finis8 knish12 lenis5 manis7 minis7 munis7 nisei5 nisse5 nisus5 nonis5 ornis5 penis7 ranis5 sunis5 yonis8 adonis7 agnise7 anises6 anisic8 banish11 bennis8 blinis8 bonism10 bonist8 danish10 enisle6 eonism8 finish12 inisle6 ionise6 jinnis13 linish9 minish11 monish11 monism10 monist8 nanism8 niseis6 nisgul7 nishes9 nisses6 panisc10 panisk12 pennis8 punish11 tanist6 tennis6 tonish9 unisex13 unison6 vanish12 winish12 dhonis10 adonise8 agenise8 agnised9 agnises8 agonise8 agonism10 agonist8 aniseed8 anisole7 benison9 bikinis13 biminis11 bonisms11 bonists9 brinish12 burnish12 clonism11 cognise10 cornist9 coronis9 cronish12 cyanise12 dewanis11 donnish11 donnism10 dronish11 dunnish11 ebonise9 ebonist9 enisled8 enisles7 eonisms9 evanish13 faunist10 fennish13 finises10 furnish13 garnish11 genista8 hennish13 Show more ...

How to use NIS in a sentence

Similar words containing NI without suffix s

ani3 nib5 nid4 nie3 nil3 nim5 nip5 nit3 nix10 uni3 anil4 anis4 bani6 beni6 coni6 deni5 feni7 fini7 inia4 knit8 mani6 mini6 muni6 nibs6 nice6 nick10 nide5 nidi5 nids5 nied5 nief7 nies4 nife7 niff10 nigh8 nill4 nils4 nimb8 nims6 nine4 nipa6 nips6 nirl4 nish7 nisi4 nite4 nits4 nixe11 nixy14 noni4 onie4 peni6 rani4 snib6 snig5 snip6 snit4 suni4 unis4 unit4 yoni7 pani6 honi7 acini7 amnia7 amnic9 amnio7 anigh9 anile5 anils5 anima7 anime7 animi7 anion5 anise5 bania7 benis7 benni7 binit7 blini7 bonie7 bunia7 canid8 cnida8 conia7 conic9 conin7 corni7 cunit7 cynic12 danio6 denim8 denis6 dinic8 eniac7 fenis8 finis8 garni6 genic8 genie6 Show more ...
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