Nis is valid Scrabble Word

Is nis a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is nis valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for NIS in dictionary:

Words related to NIS

nisse5 nisses6

Words that contain NIS

anis4 nish7 nisi4 unis4 anise5 benis7 denis6 fenis8 finis8 knish12 lenis5 manis7 minis7 munis7 nisei5 nisse5 nisus5 nonis5 ornis5 penis7 ranis5 sunis5 yonis8 adonis7 agnise7 anises6 anisic8 banish11 bennis8 blinis8 bonism10 bonist8 danish10 enisle6 eonism8 finish12 inisle6 ionise6 jinnis13 linish9 minish11 monish11 monism10 monist8 nanism8 niseis6 nisgul7 nishes9 nisses6 panisc10 panisk12 pennis8 punish11 tanist6 tennis6 tonish9 unisex13 unison6 vanish12 winish12 dhonis10 adonise8 agenise8 agnised9 agnises8 agonise8 agonism10 agonist8 aniseed8 anisole7 benison9 bikinis13 biminis11 bonisms11 bonists9 brinish12 burnish12 clonism11 cognise10 cornist9 coronis9 cronish12 cyanise12 dewanis11 donnish11 donnism10 dronish11 dunnish11 ebonise9 ebonist9 enisled8 enisles7 eonisms9 evanish13 faunist10 fennish13 finises10 furnish13 garnish11 genista8 hennish13 hornish13 hornist10 hunnish13 hymnist15 iconise9 inisled8 inisles7 ionised8 ioniser7 ionises7 ironise7 ironist7 kernish14 knishes14 koninis11 kyanise14 lionise7 lionism9 lychnis15 manises9 mannish12 menisci11 miniski13 monisms11 monists9 moonish12 mopanis11 nanisms9 nisguls8 nunnish10 onanism9 onanist7 ornises7 ozonise16 paninis9 paniscs11 panisks13 pannist9 penises9 peonism11 pianism11 pianist9 planish12 plenish12 plenism11 plenist9 raginis8 rapinis9 roinish10 rotinis7 roynish13 somonis9 soonish10 stonish10 swinish13 tahinis10 tanists7 tannish10 tarnish10 tennist7 titanis7 tonnish10 townish13 trenise7 unisize16 unisons7 uranism9 varnish13 venison10 wannish13 wennish13 yoginis11 actinism12 admonish14 adonised10 adonises9 afghanis15 agenised10 agenises9 agnising10 agonised10 agonises9 agonisms11 agonists9 albinism12 alienism10 alienist8 alpinism12 alpinist10 aniseeds9 anisette8 anisoles8 arcanist10 arsonist8 astonish11 avianise11 bairnish13 banished14 banisher13 banishes13 banister10 bellinis10 beniseed11 benisons10 birianis10 biryanis13 botanise10 botanist10 brainish13 brownish16 burinist10 burkinis14 canistel10 canister10 canonise10 canonist10 caponise12 clannish13 cleanish13 clonisms12 clownish16 cognised12 cogniser11 cognises11 colonise10 colonist10 cornists10 creminis12 criminis12 cutinise10 cyanised14 cyanises13 danishes12 deionise9 demonise11 demonism13 demonist11 diminish14 divinise12 donnisms11 ebeniste10 ebionise10 ebionism12 ebonised11 ebonises10 ebonists10 enisling9 eternise8 eugenism11 eugenist9 faunists11 feminise13 feminism15 feminist13 finished15 finisher14 finishes14 ganister9 genistas9 greenish12 guaranis9 hedonism14 hedonist12 hominise13 hornists11 humanise13 humanism15 humanist13 hymnists16 iconised11 iconises10 immunise12 inisling9 ionisers8 ionising9 ironised9 ironises8 ironists8 jamdanis18 jampanis19 janisary18 japanise17 kyanised16 kyanises15 laconism12 latinise8 lemnisci12 lemonish13 linished12 linisher11 linishes11 lionised9 lioniser8 lionises8 lionisms10 luminism12 luminist10 lutanist8 lutenist8

How to use NIS in a sentence

Similar words containing NI without suffix s

ani3 nib5 nid4 nie3 nil3 nim5 nip5 nit3 nix10 uni3 anil4 anis4 bani6 beni6 coni6 deni5 feni7 fini7 inia4 knit8 mani6 mini6 muni6 nibs6 nice6 nick10 nide5 nidi5 nids5 nied5 nief7 nies4 nife7 niff10 nigh8 nill4 nils4 nimb8 nims6 nine4 nipa6 nips6 nirl4 nish7 nisi4 nite4 nits4 nixe11 nixy14 noni4 onie4 peni6 rani4 snib6 snig5 snip6 snit4 suni4 unis4 unit4 yoni7 pani6 honi7 acini7 amnia7 amnic9 amnio7 anigh9 anile5 anils5 anima7 anime7 animi7 anion5 anise5 bania7 benis7 benni7 binit7 blini7 bonie7 bunia7 canid8 cnida8 conia7 conic9 conin7 corni7 cunit7 cynic12 danio6 denim8 denis6 dinic8 eniac7 fenis8 finis8 garni6 genic8 genie6 genii6 genip8 gonia6 gonif9 gynie9 inion5 innit5 ionic7 jinni12 kinin9 knife12 knish12 knits9 knive12 lenis5 linin5 mania7 manic9 manis7 minim9 minis7 monic9 monie7 munis7 nicad8 nicer7 niche10 nicht10 nicks11 nicol7 nidal6 nided7 nides6 nidor6 nidus6 niece7 niefs8 nieve8 nifes8 niffs11 niffy14 nifty11 niger6 nighs9 night9 nihil8 nikab11 nikah12 nikau9 nills5 nimbi9 nimbs9 nimps9 niner5 nines5 ninja12 ninny8 ninon5 ninth8 nipas7 nippy12 niqab16 nirls5 nirly8 nisei5 nisse5 nisus5 niter5 nites5 nitid6 niton5 nitre5 nitro5 nitry8 nitty8 nival8 nixed13 nixer12 nixes12 nixie12 nizam16 nonis5 onion5 onium7 ornis5 panic9 panim9 penie7 penis7 penni7 piani7 ranid6 ranis5 renig6 renin5 ronin5 runic7 segni6 snibs7 snick11 snide6 snies5 sniff11 snift8 snigs6 snipe7 snips7 snipy10 snirt5 snits5 sonic7 sunis5 tenia5 tonic7 tunic7 unica7 unify11 union5 unite5 units5 unity8 venin8 vinic10 xenia12 xenic14 yonic10 yonis8 nicky14 panni7 tania5 ngoni6 dhoni9 acinic10 adonis7 aeonic8 agnise7 agnize16 agonic9 alanin6 alnico8 alumni8 aminic10 amnion8 amnios8 anicca10 anicut8 anight10 anilin6 animal8 animas8 animes8 animis8 animus8 anions6 anises6 anisic8 arnica8 atonia6 atonic8 avenir9 awnier9 awning10 axenic15 axonic15 azonic17 bagnio9 bainin8 banian8 banias8 baning9 banish11 beanie8 benign9 bennis8 bikini12 bimini10 biniou8 binits8 bionic10 blinis8 bonier8 boning9 bonism10 bonist8 bonita8 bonito8 bonnie8 bunias8 bunion8 bunnia8 burnie8 byrnie11 canids9 canier8 canine8 caning9 cannie8 carnie8 casini8 catnip10
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