Muni is valid Scrabble Word

Is muni a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is muni valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for MUNI in dictionary:

Words related to MUNI


Words that contain MUNI

munis7 munify14 munite8 munited10 munites9 immunise12 immunity15 immunize21 munified14 munifies13 muniment12 muniting11 munition10 communing16 communion15 communise15 communism17 communist15 community18 communize24 immunised14 immuniser13 immunises13 immunized23 immunizer22 immunizes22 municipal15 munifying18 muniments13 munitions11 ammunition14 communings17 communions16 communique25 communised17 communises16 communisms18 communists16 communized26 communizes25 immunisers14 immunising15 immunities14 immunizers23 immunizing24 municipals16 munificent17 munifience17 munitioned13 munitioner12 praemunire14 ammunitions15 communicant19 communicate19 communional17 communiques26 communising18 communistic19 communities17 communizing27 decommunise18 decommunize27 excommunion24 municipally20 munificence20 munifiences18 munitioneer13 munitioners13 munitioning14 praemunires15 premunition15 submunition15 unimmunised16 unimmunized25 ammunitioned17 autoimmunity19 communicable22 communicably25 communicants20 communicated21 communicatee20 communicates20 communicator20 communitaire18 decommunised20 decommunises19 decommunized29 decommunizes28 discommunity22 excommunions25 immunisation16 immunization25 incomunicado19 municipalise18 municipalism20 municipalist18 municipality21 municipalize27 munificences21 munificently22 munitioneers14 Show more ...

How to use MUNI in a sentence

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