Genic is valid Scrabble Word

Is genic a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is genic valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for GENIC in dictionary:

Words related to GENIC


Words that contain GENIC

eugenic10 biogenic13 congenic13 dysgenic15 epigenic13 erogenic11 eugenics11 exogenic18 isogenic11 myogenic16 orogenic11 oxygenic21 pyogenic16 syngenic14 zoogenic20 abiogenic14 acrogenic14 allogenic12 antigenic12 autogenic12 cacogenic16 cryogenic17 dysgenics16 ectogenic14 endogenic13 ergogenic13 eugenical12 genically15 genicular12 hypogenic20 ionogenic12 ketogenic16 lysigenic15 lysogenic15 metagenic14 mitogenic14 monogenic14 mutagenic14 oncogenic14 ontogenic12 pedogenic15 polygenic17 pyrogenic17 telegenic12 toxigenic19 xenogenic19 zymogenic26 halogenic15 allergenic13 androgenic14 angiogenic14 audiogenic14 authigenic16 autogenics13 cacogenics17 cariogenic15 collagenic15 cosmogenic17 cryogenics18 cyanogenic18 epirogenic15 erotogenic13 estrogenic13 ethnogenic16 eugenicist13 florigenic16 geniculate13 glycogenic19 histogenic16 hypnogenic21 iatrogenic13 intragenic13 lactogenic15 mammogenic19 mediagenic16 multigenic15 neurogenic13 obesogenic15 orthogenic16 osteogenic13 paedogenic16 pathogenic18 photogenic18 phylogenic21 phytogenic21 protogenic15 pythogenic21 radiogenic14 rhizogenic25 saprogenic15 sporogenic15 transgenic13 tumorgenic15 typhogenic21 visiogenic16 videogenic17 adaptogenic17 atherogenic17 blastogenic16 cardiogenic17 chromogenic21 Show more ...
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