Nie is valid Scrabble Word

Is nie a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is nie valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for NIE in dictionary:

Words related to NIE

nied5 nies4 nigh8 nying9

Words that contain NIE

nied5 nief7 nies4 onie4 bonie7 genie6 gynie9 monie7 niece7 niefs8 nieve8 penie7 snies5 awnier9 beanie8 bonier8 bonnie8 burnie8 byrnie11 canier8 cannie8 carnie8 conies8 connie8 denied8 denier7 denies7 genies7 girnie7 goonie7 gynies10 heinie9 hinnie9 honied10 linier6 loonie6 lunier6 lunies6 manies8 meanie8 meinie8 minier8 minnie8 monied9 monies8 nannie6 nieces8 nielli6 niello6 niente6 nieves9 panier8 penies8 pinier8 pinies8 pinnie8 pirnie8 ponied9 ponies8 pownie11 punier8 quinie15 renied7 renies6 ronnie6 sanies6 sannie6 sarnie6 tannie6 tinier6 tinies6 tinnie6 tonier6 tonies6 toonie6 townie9 tunier6 twonie9 vinier9 wanier9 weenie9 wienie9 winier9 yonnie9 zanied16 zanier15 zanies15 agonies8 atonies7 awniest10 barnier9 beanies9 bennies9 boniest9 bonnier9 bonnies9 boonies9 brinier9 brinies9 brownie12 bunnies9 Show more ...

How to use NIE in a sentence

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