Pen is valid Scrabble Word

Is pen a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is pen valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PEN in dictionary:

Words related to PEN

penned9 penning10 pens6 pent6

Words that contain PEN

open6 pend7 pene6 peni6 penk10 pens6 pent6 arpen7 aspen7 copen9 opens7 penal7 pence9 pends8 pendu8 pened8 penes7 pengo8 penie7 penis7 penks11 penna7 penne7 penni7 penny10 pents7 ripen7 spend8 spent7 tapen7 unpen7 upend8 append11 arpens8 arpent8 aspens8 copens10 dampen11 deepen9 depend10 expend16 gowpen12 happen13 hempen13 hippen13 holpen11 humpen13 impend11 keppen14 kippen14 lippen10 loipen8 loupen8 lumpen10 luppen10 mispen10 opened9 opener8 openly11 parpen10 penang9 pencel10 pences10 pencil10 pended10 penful11 pengos9 penial8 penies8 penile8 penill8 pening9 penman10 penmen10 pennae8 pennal8 penned9 penner8 pennes8 pennia8 pennis8 pennon8 pensee8 pensel8 pensil8 pensum10 pentad9 pentyl11 penult8 penury11 pigpen11 rappen10 reopen8 repent8 ripens8 shapen11 spence10 spends9 spendy12 spense8 unopen8 unpens8 unpent8 upends9 wippen13 pentel8 appends12 arpents9 autopen9 bullpen11 cheapen14 compend14 crispen11 dampens12 deepens10 depends11 dispend11 expends17 expense16 gowpens13 happens14 hippens14 humpens14 impends12 lippens11 lumpens11 mispens11 openers9 openest9 opening10 parpend12 parpens11 parpent11 penally12 penalty12 penance11 penangs10 penates9 pencels11 pencils11 pendant10 pendent10 pending11 pendule10 penfold13 penfuls12 penguin10 penicil11 penises9 penlite9 pennals9 penname11 pennant9 pennate9 penners9 pennied10 pennies9 pennill9 pennine9 penning10 pennons9 penoche14 pensees9 pensels9 pensile9 pensils9 pension9 pensive12 penster9 pensums11 pentact11 pentads10 pentane9 pentene9 penthia12 pentice11 pentise9 pentiti9 pentito9 pentode10 pentose9 pentyls12 penuche14 penuchi14 penults9 perpend12 perpent11 pigpens12 playpen14 plumpen13 propend12 propene11 reopens9 repents9 ripened10 ripener9 serpent9 shapens12 sharpen12 shippen14 spencer11 spences11 spender10 spenses9 steepen9 stipend10 stupent9 subpena11 suspend10 suspens9 terpene9 unspent9 upended11 wappend15 wippens14 pentels9 penlike13 appended14 appendix20 autopens10 behappen17 bullpens12 cheapens15 compends15 crispens12 dampened14 dampener13 deepened12 deepener11 depended13 diapente11 dispence13 dispends12 dispense11 ependyma16 erumpent12 expended19 expender18 expensed18 expenses17 fippence17 forspend14 forspent13 happened16 impended14 jalapeno17 lippened13 lumpenly15 lycopene15 misspend13 misspent12 nepenthe13 openable12 opencast12 openings11 openness10 openside11 openwork17 outspend11 outspent10 parpends13 parpents12 penalise10 penality13 penalize19 penanced13 penances12 penchant15 penciled13 penciler12 pencraft15 pendants11 pendency16 pendents11 pendicle13 pendular11 pendules11 pendulum13 penfolds14 penguins11 penicils12 penitent10 penknife17 penlight14 penlites10 pennames12 pennants10 pennated11 penneech15 penneeck16 pennines10 pennoned11 pennyboy18 pennyfee16 penoches15 penology14 penoncel12 penpoint12 pensione10 pensioni10

How to use PEN in a sentence

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