Feather is valid Scrabble Word

Is feather a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is feather valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for FEATHER in dictionary:

Words related to FEATHER

feathered16 featherier16 featheriest17 featheriness18 featherinesses20 feathering17 featherless17 feathers14 feathery17

Words that contain FEATHER

feathers14 feathery17 feathered16 featherbed19 featherier16 feathering17 pinfeather18 gayfeather20 featherbeds20 featheredge19 featherhead21 featheriest17 featherings18 featherless17 pinfeathers19 unfeathered18 gayfeathers21 featherbrain20 featheredged21 featheredges20 featherheads22 featheriness18 featherlight22 featherbedded24 featherbrains21 featheredging22 featherheaded24 featherstitch24 featherweight26 horsefeathers22 featherbedding25 featherbrained23 featherinesses20 featherweights27 featherbeddings26 featherstitched27 featherstitches26 featherstitchin26 featherstitching28

How to use FEATHER in a sentence

Similar words containing FEATH without suffix er

feathers14 feathery17 feathered16 featherbed19 featherier16 feathering17 pinfeather18 gayfeather20 featherbeds20 featheredge19 featherhead21 featheriest17 featherings18 featherless17 pinfeathers19 unfeathered18 gayfeathers21 featherbrain20 featheredged21 featheredges20 featherheads22 featheriness18 featherlight22 featherbedded24 featherbrains21 featheredging22 featherheaded24 featherstitch24 featherweight26 horsefeathers22 featherbedding25 featherbrained23 featherinesses20 featherweights27 featherbeddings26 featherstitched27 featherstitches26 featherstitchin26 featherstitching28
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