Dock is valid Scrabble Word

Is dock a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is dock valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DOCK in dictionary:

Words related to DOCK

docked14 docking15 dockings16 docks12

Words that contain DOCK

docks12 docked14 docken13 docker13 docket13 redock13 undock13 burdock16 candock16 daddock16 dockage15 dockens14 dockers14 dockets14 docking15 dockise14 dockize23 haddock18 hordock17 maddock17 paddock17 piddock17 puddock17 redocks14 ruddock15 undocks14 windock17 boondock17 burdocks17 candocks17 daddocks17 dockages16 docketed16 dockhand19 dockings16 dockised16 dockises15 dockized25 dockizes24 dockland16 dockside16 dockyard19 haddocks19 hordocks18 maddocks18 paddocks18 piddocks18 puddocks18 raddocke16 redocked16 ruddocks16 shaddock19 undocked16 windocks18 boondocks18 docketing17 dockhands20 dockising17 dockizing26 docklands17 docksides17 dockyards20 paddocked20 raddockes17 redocking17 shaddocks20 undocking17 butterdock19 dockmaster19 dockworker24 paddocking21 butterdocks20 dockisation18 dockization27 dockmasters20 dockworkers25 spatterdock20 dockisations19 dockizations28 dockwalloper24 spatterdocks21 dockwallopers25

How to use DOCK in a sentence

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