His is valid Scrabble Word

Is his a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is his valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for HIS in dictionary:

Words related to HIS

hisn7 sundowner13 sundowners14

Words that contain HIS

ahis7 chis9 ghis8 hish10 hisn7 hiss7 hist7 khis11 phis9 this7 aphis10 hissy11 hists8 mihis10 phish13 shish11 shiso8 shist8 whish14 whisk15 whiss11 whist11 bhisti11 chisel11 dashis10 deshis10 elchis11 hachis14 hished13 hishes12 hispid12 hissed10 hisser9 hisses9 histed10 histie9 lathis9 lichis11 mochis13 nashis9 orchis11 rachis11 raphis11 rishis9 roshis9 schism13 schist11 shchis14 shisha12 shisos9 shists9 spahis11 sushis9 takhis13 tuchis11 whisht15 whisks16 whisky19 whists12 bodhis12 rakhis13 arachis12 bhishti15 bhistee12 bhistie12 bhistis12 bindhis13 binghis13 bukshis16 chichis17 chisels12 dehisce13 eltchis12 hashish16 highish17 hishing14 hisself13 hissers10 hissier10 hissies10 hissing11 histing11 histoid11 histone10 history13 histrio10 kamahis16 karahis14 kimchis18 litchis12 meishis12 mokihis16 munshis12 mythise15 mythism17 mythist15 orphism14 pachisi14 pakahis16 pakihis16 phished16 Show more ...

How to use HIS in a sentence

Similar words containing HI without suffix s

hi5 ahi6 chi8 ghi7 hic8 hid7 hie6 him8 hin6 hip8 hit6 khi10 phi8 shi6 ahis7 chia9 chib11 chic11 chid10 chik13 chin9 chip11 chis9 chit9 chiv12 chiz18 elhi7 ghis8 hick13 hide8 hied8 hies7 high11 hike11 hila7 hild8 hili7 hill7 hilt7 hims9 hind8 hing8 hins7 hint7 hioi7 hips9 hipt9 hire7 hish10 hisn7 hiss7 hist7 hits7 hive10 hiya10 hizz25 khis11 mihi9 ohia7 phis9 phiz18 shim9 shin7 ship9 shir7 shit7 shiv10 thig8 thin7 thio7 thir7 this7 whid11 whig11 whim12 whin10 whio10 whip12 whir10 whit10 whiz19 dahi8 hiba9 ahigh12 ahind9 ahing9 ahint8 aphid11 aphis10 archi10 bodhi11 chiao10 chias10 chibs12 chica12 chich15 chick16 chico12 chics12 chide11 Show more ...
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