Hive is valid Scrabble Word

Is hive a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is hive valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for HIVE in dictionary:

Words related to HIVE

hived12 hiveless14 hivelike18 hives11 hiving13

Words that contain HIVE

chive13 hived12 hiver11 hives11 shive11 chived15 chives14 hivers12 shiver12 shives12 thivel12 unhive12 archive15 ashiver13 beehive15 shivers13 shivery16 thivels13 unhived14 unhives13 archived17 archives16 beehived17 beehives16 beshiver16 hiveless14 hivelike18 hiveward18 shivered15 shiverer14 hivemind17 beshivers17 disshiver16 hivewards19 shiverers15 shiverier15 shivering16 superhive17 hiveminds18 beshivered19 disshivers17 shiveriest16 shiverings17 superhives18 beshivering20 disshivered19 shiveringly21 disshivering20

How to use HIVE in a sentence

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