Sting is valid Scrabble Word

Is sting a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is sting valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for STING in dictionary:

Words related to STING

stang6 stinged9 stinging10 stingingly15 stingingness14 stingings11 stingless10 stings7 stong6 stung6

Words that contain STING

stinge7 stingo7 stings7 stingy10 basting10 besting10 busting10 casting10 costing10 dusting9 easting8 fasting11 fisting11 fusting11 gasting9 gusting9 hasting11 histing11 hosting11 jesting15 justing15 kesting12 kisting12 lasting8 lesting8 listing8 lusting8 masting10 misting10 musting10 nesting8 ousting8 pasting10 posting10 resting8 rosting8 rusting8 sisting8 stinged9 stinger8 stinges8 stingos8 tasting8 testing8 vesting11 wasting11 westing11 wisting11 zesting17 adusting10 agasting10 agisting10 bastings11 beasting11 beesting11 blasting11 boasting11 boosting11 brasting11 brusting11 buisting11 bursting11 bustings11 castings11 chesting14 coasting11 costings11 cresting11 crusting11 dustings10 eastings9 egesting10 existing16 fastings12 feasting12 fistings12 foisting12 fristing12 frosting12 ghasting13 ghosting13 giusting10 guesting10 hastings12 heisting12 hoasting12 hoisting12 hostings12 hustings12 jestings16 joisting16 jousting16 lastings9 listings9 mistings11 moisting11 mousting11 muisting11 nestings9 pastings11 postings11 Show more ...

How to use STING in a sentence

Similar words containing ST without suffix ing

st2 est3 pst5 sty6 ist3 bast6 best6 bist6 bust6 cast6 cist6 cost6 cyst9 dost5 dust5 east4 erst4 ests4 fast7 fest7 fist7 fust7 gast5 gest5 gist5 gust5 hast7 hest7 hist7 host7 jest11 just11 kest8 kist8 last4 lest4 list4 lost4 lust4 mast6 mist6 most6 must6 nest4 oast4 onst4 oust4 past6 pest6 post6 psst6 rast4 rest4 rost4 rust4 sist4 stab6 stag5 stap6 star4 stat4 staw7 stay7 sted5 stem6 sten4 step6 stet4 stew7 stey7 stie4 stim6 stir4 stoa4 stob6 stop6 stot4 stow7 stub6 stud5 stum6 stun4 stye7 test4 tost4 vast7 vest7 wast7 west7 wist7 wost7 xyst14 yest7 zest13 stog5 ists4 adust6 agast6 agist6 alist5 Show more ...
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