Wist is valid Scrabble Word

Is wist a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is wist valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for WIST in dictionary:

Words related to WIST

know11 wis6 wisted10 wisting11 wists8 wit6 wite7 witing10 witting11 wost7 wot6

Words that contain WIST

twist8 wists8 twists9 twisty12 unwist9 wisted10 wistly12 entwist10 intwist10 retwist10 twisted11 twister10 twistor10 untwist10 wistful13 wisting11 wistiti10 entwists11 intwists11 retwists11 twisters11 twistier11 twisting12 twistors11 untwists11 wistaria11 wisteria11 wistitis11 entwisted13 intwisted13 retwisted13 twistable14 twistiest12 twistings13 untwisted13 wistarias12 wisterias12 wistfully18 entwisting14 intertwist13 intwisting14 retwisting14 supertwist15 untwisting14 intertwists14 supertwists16 untwistings15 wistfulness17 intertwisted16 twistability20 intertwisting17 wistfulnesses19 twistabilities19 intertwistingly22

How to use WIST in a sentence

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