Wis is valid Scrabble Word

Is wis a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is wis valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for WIS in dictionary:

Words related to WIS

wissed10 wisses9 wissing11 wist7

Words that contain WIS

iwis7 wise7 wish10 wisp9 wiss7 wist7 ywis10 kiwis12 lewis8 swish11 swiss8 twist8 wised9 wiser8 wises8 wisha11 wisht11 wisps10 wispy13 wists8 iiwis8 brewis11 cowish14 dawish13 lowish12 newish12 nowise9 rawish12 swishy15 twists9 twisty12 unwise9 unwish12 unwist9 wisard10 wisdom12 wisely12 wisent9 wisest9 wished13 wisher12 wishes12 wising10 wisket13 wisped12 wissed10 wisses9 wisted10 wistly12 airwise10 anywise13 bitwise12 endwise11 entwist10 fanwise13 intwist10 lewises10 lewisia10 manwise12 mapwise14 outwish13 retwist10 slowish13 snowish13 sunwise10 swished14 swisher13 swishes13 swisses10 tauiwis10 taxwise17 twiscar12 twisted11 twister10 twistor10 untwist10 unwiser10 wisards11 wisdoms13 wiseass10 wiseguy14 wisents10 wishers13 wishful16 wishing14 wiskets14 wispier12 wispily15 wisping13 wispish15 wissing11 wistful13 wisting11 wistiti10 archwise16 bendwise14 brewises13 combwise17 cowishes16 crabwise15 dropwise14 Show more ...

How to use WIS in a sentence

Similar words containing WI without suffix s

iwi6 wig7 win6 wit6 wiz15 iwis7 kiwi11 swig8 swim9 swiz16 twig8 twin7 twit7 wice9 wich12 wick13 wide8 wiel7 wife10 wigs8 wiki11 wild8 wile7 wili7 will7 wilt7 wily10 wimp11 wind8 wine7 wing8 wink11 winn7 wino7 wins7 winy10 wipe9 wire7 wiry10 wise7 wish10 wisp9 wiss7 wist7 wite7 with10 wits7 wive10 ywis10 owie7 wifi10 iiwi7 aswim10 awing9 bewig11 bowie10 dowie9 dwile9 dwine9 gwine9 inwit8 jewie15 kiwis12 lawin8 lewis8 newie8 owing9 pewit10 powin10 rawin8 rewin8 rowie8 sewin8 swies8 swift11 swigs9 swile8 swill8 swims10 swine8 swing9 swink12 swipe10 swire8 swirl8 swish11 swiss8 swith11 swits8 swive11 swizz26 tawie8 tewit8 towie8 twice10 twier8 twigs9 twill8 twilt8 twine8 Show more ...
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