Sten is valid Scrabble Word

Is sten a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is sten valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for STEN in dictionary:

Words related to STEN

stenned8 stenning9 stens5 stride7

Words that contain STEN

stend6 steno5 stens5 stent5 fasten9 hasten9 listen6 ostent6 stench11 stends7 stenos6 stents6 bursten9 chasten12 distend9 distent8 fastens10 glisten8 guesten8 hastens10 listens7 mistend10 moisten9 ostents7 stenchy15 stencil9 stended9 stengah11 stenned8 stenoky14 stented8 stentor7 chastens13 christen13 distends10 distents9 existent15 fastened12 fastener11 glistens9 guestens9 hastened12 hastener11 listened9 listener8 mistends11 moistens10 ostented9 refasten11 sebesten10 stenched14 stenches13 stencils10 stending10 stengahs12 stenlock14 stenning9 stenosed9 stenoses8 stenosis8 stenotic10 stenting9 stentors8 stentour8 tungsten9 unfasten11 relisten8 austenite9 chastened15 chastener14 christens14 distended12 distender11 existence18 existents16 fasteners12 fastening13 glistened11 guestened11 hasteners12 hastening13 insistent9 listeners9 listening10 mistended13 moistened12 moistener11 ostensive12 ostensory12 ostenting10 refastens12 remoisten11 resistent9 sebestens11 sostenuti9 sostenuto9 stenchful17 stenchier14 stenching15 stenciled12 stenciler11 Show more ...

How to use STEN in a sentence

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