Existent is valid Scrabble Word

Is existent a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is existent valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for EXISTENT in dictionary:

Words related to EXISTENT


Words that contain EXISTENT

existents16 coexistent19 inexistent17 existential18 nonexistent18 preexistent20 existentials19 nonexistents19 existentially23 existentialism23 existentialist21 nonexistential21 existentialisms24 existentialists22 existentialisti22 existentialistic25 existentialistically32

How to use EXISTENT in a sentence

Similar words containing IST without suffix ent and without prefix ex

ist3 bist6 cist6 fist7 gist5 hist7 kist8 list4 mist6 sist4 wist7 ists4 agist6 alist5 blist7 buist7 cists7 deist6 exist12 feist8 fists8 fisty11 foist8 frist8 geist6 gists6 grist6 heist8 hists8 hoist8 istle5 joist12 kists9 lists5 maist7 mists7 misty10 moist7 muist7 neist5 odist6 ovist8 piste7 quist14 reist5 roist5 saist5 shist8 sista5 sists5 trist5 twist8 vista8 visto8 waist8 whist11 wists8 wrist8 zoist14 ageist7 agists7 aorist6 arista6 aristo6 artist6 assist6 aurist6 autist6 bemist10 bhisti11 bister8 bistre8 bistro8 bonist8 breist8 buists8 cisted9 cistic10 cistus8 codist9 crista8 cubist10 cueist8 deists7 delist7 demist9 desist7 distal7 distil7 egoist7 enlist6 exists13 feists9 feisty12 fisted10 fistic11 foists9 frists9 geists7 grists7 Show more ...
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