Coexistent is valid Scrabble Word

Is coexistent a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is coexistent valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for COEXISTENT in dictionary:

How to use COEXISTENT in a sentence

Similar words containing EXIST without suffix ent and without prefix co

exist12 exists13 sexist13 coexist16 existed15 sexists14 coexists17 existent15 existing16 preexist17 unsexist15 coexisted19 existence18 existents16 nonsexist16 preexists18 antisexist17 coexisting20 existences19 inexistant17 inexistent17 preexisted20 antisexists18 coexistence22 existential18 inexistence20 inexistency23 nonexistent18 preexistent20 preexisting21 coexistences23 existentials19 heterosexist22 inexistences21 nonexistence21 preexistence23 nonexistents19 existentially23 heterosexists23 inexistencies22 nonexistences22 preexistences24 existentialism23 existentialist21 nonexistential21 existentialisms24 existentialists22 existentialisti22 existentialistic25 existentialistically32
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