Wring is valid Scrabble Word

Is wring a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is wring valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for WRING in dictionary:

Words related to WRING

wringed12 wringing13 wrings10 wrung9

Words that contain WRING

wrings10 powring13 wringed12 wringer11 showring15 wringers12 wringing13 showrings16 wringings14 cheesewring20 handwringer19 cheesewrings21 handwringers20 handwringing21 handwringings22

How to use WRING in a sentence

Similar words containing WR without suffix ing

wry9 awry10 bawr9 bowr9 mawr9 owre7 wrap9 wren7 writ7 bawrs10 bowrs10 cowry13 dowry12 howre11 lowry11 mawrs10 mowra10 owres8 owrie8 powre10 wrack14 wrang9 wraps10 wrapt10 wrast8 wrate8 wrath11 wrawl11 wreak12 wreck14 wrens8 wrest8 wrick14 wried9 wrier8 wries8 wrist8 write8 writs8 wroke12 wrong9 wroot8 wrote8 wroth11 wrung9 wryer11 wryly14 avowry15 awrack15 awrong10 bewrap13 bewray14 chowri14 chowry17 cowrie11 enwrap11 howres12 inwrap11 lowrie9 mowras11 owrier9 powred12 powres11 rewrap11 stowre9 unwrap11 upwrap13 wracks15 wraith12 wrangs10 wrasse9 wrasts9 wraths12 wrathy15 wrawls12 wraxle16 wreaks13 wreath12 wrecks15 wrench14 wrests9 wretch14 wrethe12 wricks15 wriest9 wright13 wrings10 wrists9 wristy12 writer9 writes9 writhe12 wroath12 wroken13 wrongs10 wroots9 wryest12 wrying13 ywroke16 bewraps14 Show more ...
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