Weep is valid Scrabble Word

Is weep a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is weep valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for WEEP in dictionary:

Words related to WEEP

weeping13 weeps10 wept9

Words that contain WEEP

sweep10 tweep10 weeps10 weepy13 beweep13 sweeps11 sweepy14 tweeps11 weeper11 weepie11 beweeps14 ensweep12 outweep12 sweeper12 tweeple12 upsweep14 weepers12 weepier12 weepies12 weepily15 weeping13 ensweeps13 outsweep13 outweeps13 peesweep15 sweepers13 sweepier13 sweeping14 upsweeps15 weephole16 weepiest13 weepings14 beweeping17 outsweeps14 peesweeps16 sweepback22 sweepiest14 sweepings15 weepholes17 weepiness14 weepingly18 ensweeping16 outweeping16 sweepbacks23 sweepingly19 sweepstake19 upsweeping18 minesweeper18 outsweeping17 sweepstakes20 weepinesses16 minesweepers19 minesweeping20 sweepingness18 minesweepings21 sweepingnesses20

How to use WEEP in a sentence

Find what other words can be done using letters: "weep"
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