Laugh is valid Scrabble Word

Is laugh a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is laugh valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LAUGH in dictionary:

Words related to LAUGH

lauch10 laughed12 laugher11 laughers12 laughful15 laughing13 laughingly18 laughings14 laughs10

Words that contain LAUGH

laughs10 laughy13 claught13 flaught14 laughed12 laugher11 claughts14 flaughts15 laughers12 laughful15 laughier12 laughing13 laughter12 outlaugh12 claughted16 flaughted17 flaughter16 laughable15 laughably18 laughiest13 laughings14 laughline13 laughsome15 laughters13 onslaught13 outlaughs13 slaughter13 claughting17 flaughters17 flaughting18 horselaugh17 laughingly18 laughlines14 onslaughts14 outlaughed15 overslaugh17 slaughters14 slaughtery17 flaughtered19 horselaughs18 laughworthy24 outlaughing16 overslaughs18 slaughtered16 slaughterer15 flaughtering20 manslaughter18 overslaughed20 preslaughter18 slaughterers16 slaughteries16 slaughtering17 slaughterman18 slaughtermen18 slaughterous16 laughableness19 laughingstock24 manslaughters19 overslaughing21 slaughterable19 laughworthier23 laughingstocks25 slaughterhouse21 slaughterously21 laughworthiest24 laughablenesses21 slaughterhouses22

How to use LAUGH in a sentence

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