Steno is valid Scrabble Word

Is steno a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is steno valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for STENO in dictionary:

Words related to STENO

stenographer18 stenos6

Words that contain STENO

stenos6 stenoky14 stenosed9 stenoses8 stenosis8 stenotic10 stenobath14 stenokies13 stenokous13 stenopaic13 stenosing10 stenotype14 stenotypy17 stenobaths15 stenograph16 stenopaeic14 stenotherm15 stenotopic14 stenotyped16 stenotyper15 stenotypes15 stenotypic17 restenoses10 restenosis10 stenobathic18 stenocardia14 stenochrome18 stenochromy21 stenographs17 stenography20 stenohaline14 stenotherms16 stenotropic15 stenotypers16 stenotypies16 stenotyping17 stenotypist16 stenocardias15 stenochromes19 stenographed19 stenographer18 stenographic20 stenophagous18 stenothermal17 stenotypists17 stenochromies20 stenographers19 stenographies19 stenographing20 stenographist19 stenopetalous15 stenophyllous21 stenographical22 stenographists20 stenographicall23 stenographically27

How to use STENO in a sentence

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