Stab is valid Scrabble Word

Is stab a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is stab valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for STAB in dictionary:

Words related to STAB

potche13 stabbed12 stabber11 stabbers12 stabbing13 stabbingly18 stabbings14 stabs7 stob6

Words that contain STAB

stabs7 stable8 stably11 astable9 mastaba11 stabbed12 stabber11 stabile9 stabled10 stabler9 stables9 backstab18 bistable12 castable12 gustable11 instable10 listable10 mastabah15 mastabas12 nestable10 restable10 rustable10 stabbers12 stabbing13 stabiles10 stablers10 stablest10 stabling11 stablish13 tastable10 testable10 unstable10 unstably13 wastable13 backstabs19 biostable13 bistables13 constable13 eastabout11 establish14 gustables12 mastabahs16 restabled12 restables11 stabbings14 stabilate11 stabilise11 stability14 stabilize20 stableboy16 stableman13 stablemen13 stablings12 trustable11 twistable14 unstabler11 westabout14 accostable16 adjustable20 adjustably23 arrestable12 attestable12 constables14 detestable13 detestably16 investable15 metastable14 metastably17 monostable14 restabling13 roustabout12 stabbingly18 stabilates12 stabilised13 stabiliser12 stabilises12 stabilized22 stabilizer21 stabilizes21 stableboys17 stablemate14 stableness12 stablished16 stablishes15 unstablest12 untestable12 backstabby25 backstabbed24 backstabber23 castability18 compostable19 contestable15 contestably18 destabilise14 destabilize23 established17 establisher16 establishes16 harvestable19 instability16 metastables15 Show more ...

How to use STAB in a sentence

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