Rachis is valid Scrabble Word

Is rachis a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is rachis valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for RACHIS in dictionary:

Words related to RACHIS

rachial12 rachides14 rachidial15 rachidian15 rachises13 rhachial16 rhachis15

Words that contain RACHIS

arachis12 rachises13 arachises14 guarachis15 rachischises22 rachischisis22 brachistochrone27

How to use RACHIS in a sentence

Similar words containing RACHI without suffix s

urachi11 arachis12 brachia14 rachial12 abrachia15 borachio15 brachial15 brachium17 guarachi14 rachides14 rachilla13 rachises13 rachitic15 rachitis13 abrachias16 arachises14 batrachia16 borachios16 brachials16 brachiate16 brachiums18 guarachis15 rachidial15 rachidian15 rachillae14 rachillas14 trachinus14 trachitis14 ultrachic16 batrachian17 brachiated18 brachiates17 brachiator17 brachiopod20 rachiotomy20 rachitides16 rachitises15 tribrachic19 arachidonic19 batrachians18 brachiating19 brachiation18 brachiators18 brachiopods21 overachieve22 trachinuses16 trachitises16 tribrachial18 brachiosaur18 amphibrachic28 antirachitic19 brachiations19 overachieved24 overachiever23 overachieves23 rachiotomies19 rachischises22 rachischisis22 underachieve21 brachiosaurs19 antirachitics20 brachiosaurus20 overachievers24 overachieving25 superachiever23 suprachiasmic24 underachieved23 underachiever22 underachieves22 superachievers24 underachievers23 underachieving24 brachiocephalic31 brachiosauruses22 brachistochrone27 overachievement28 underachievemen26 underachievement27 overachievements29 underachievements28
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