Develops is valid Scrabble Word

Is develops a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is develops valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DEVELOPS in dictionary:

Words related to DEVELOPS

develop13 developed16 developing17

Words that contain DEVELOPS

codevelops18 redevelops16 misdevelops19 predevelops19 overdevelops21 underdevelops20

How to use DEVELOPS in a sentence

Similar words containing VELOP without suffix s and without prefix de

develop13 envelop12 develope14 envelope13 envelops13 codevelop17 developed16 developer15 developes15 developpe17 enveloped15 enveloper14 envelopes14 redevelop15 codevelops18 developers16 developing17 developpes18 disenvelop16 envelopers15 enveloping16 misdevelop18 predevelop18 redevelops16 codeveloped20 codeveloper19 developable19 development19 disenvelops17 envelopment18 misdevelops19 overdevelop20 predevelops19 redeveloped18 redeveloper17 undeveloped18 codevelopers20 codeveloping21 developments20 disenveloped19 envelopments19 misdeveloped21 overdevelops21 predeveloped21 redevelopers18 redeveloping19 underdevelop19 developmental21 disenveloping20 misdeveloping22 overdeveloped23 predeveloping22 redevelopment21 underdevelops20 nondevelopment22 overdeveloping24 predevelopment24 redevelopments22 subdevelopment24 underdeveloped22 hyperdeveloped29 misdevelopment24 antidevelopment23 developmentally26 nondevelopments23 overdevelopment26 predevelopments25 subdevelopments25 underdeveloping23 misdevelopments25 hyperdevelopmen31 underdevelopmen24 overdevelopments27 hyperdevelopment32 underdevelopment25 hyperdevelopments33 underdevelopments26
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