Hing is valid Scrabble Word

Is hing a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is hing valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for HING in dictionary:

Words related to HING

asafoetida14 hings9

Words that contain HING

ahing9 ching11 ehing9 hinge9 hings9 ohing9 thing9 aahing10 aching12 ashing10 chings12 eching12 hinged11 hinger10 hinges10 hohing13 iching12 oohing10 pohing12 rahing10 things10 thingy13 whinge13 whingy16 thingo10 achings13 anhinga11 arching13 baching15 bashing13 bathing13 blahing13 boohing13 bushing13 caching15 cashing13 coshing13 dashing12 dishing12 dushing12 eeching13 etching13 fashing14 fishing14 gaching14 gashing12 gushing12 hashing14 highing15 hingers11 hinging12 hishing14 hushing14 inching13 itching13 joshing18 kithing15 kything18 lashing11 lathing11 leching13 lithing11 lushing11 mashing13 meshing13 miching15 moching15 moshing13 mushing13 niching13 nighing12 nithing11 noshing11 nothing11 oohings11 ouching13 pashing13 pathing13 peching15 peghing14 pishing13 pithing13 poohing13 poshing13 pushing13 rashing11 rehinge11 riching13 ruching13 rushing11 sashing11 shingle11 shingly14 sighing12 sithing11 sughing12 tashing11 tathing11 tithing11 toshing11 tushing11 Show more ...

How to use HING in a sentence

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