Dells is valid Scrabble Word

Is dells a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is dells valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DELLS in dictionary:

Words related to DELLS


Words that contain DELLS

bedells10 rowndells13 bedellship18 bedellships19

How to use DELLS in a sentence

Similar words containing LL without suffix s and without prefix de

all3 ell3 ill3 alls4 ally7 ball6 bell6 bill6 boll6 bull6 call6 cell6 cill6 coll6 cull6 dell5 dill5 doll5 dull5 ells4 fall7 fell7 fill7 full7 gall5 gill5 gull5 hall7 hell7 hill7 hull7 ills4 illy7 jell11 jill11 joll11 kell8 kill8 lall4 lill4 loll4 lull4 mall6 mell6 mill6 moll6 mull6 nill4 noll4 null4 olla4 pall6 pell6 pill6 poll6 pull6 rill4 roll4 sall4 sell4 sill4 tall4 tell4 till4 toll4 vell7 vill7 wall7 well7 will7 wull7 yell7 yill7 zill13 ahull8 allay8 allee5 allel5 alley8 allis5 allod6 allot5 allow8 alloy8 allyl8 atoll5 balls7 bally10 belle7 bells7 belly10 bills7 billy10 bolls7 brill7 bulla7 bulls7 bully10 calla7 calls7 cella7 celli7 cello7 cells7 chill10 cills7 colls7 colly10 culls7 cully10 dalle6 dally9 delly9 dholl9 dilli6 dills6 dilly9 dolls6 dolly9 drill6 droll6 dulls6 dully9 dwell9 falls8 fella8 fells8 felly11 fille8 fillo8 fills8 filly11 folly11 frill8 fulls8 fully11 galls6 gally9 gelly9 ghyll12 gills6 gilly9 golly9 grill6 gulls6 gully9 hallo8 halls8 hello8 hells8 hillo8 hills8 hilly11 holla8 hollo8 holly11 hullo8 hulls8 hully11 idyll9 iller5 illth8 jello12 jells12 jelly15 jills12 jolls12 jolly15 kells9 kelly12 kills9 knell9 knoll9 krill9 kvell12 lalls5 lills5 llama7 llano5 lolls5 lolly8 lulls5 maill7 malls7 mells7 mille7 mills7 molla7 molls7 molly10 mulla7 mulls7 myall10 nalla5 nelly8 nills5 nolls5 nulla5 nulls5 ollas5 ollav8 oller5 ollie5 palla7 palls7 pally10 pells7 pills7 polls7 polly10 prill7 proll7 pulli7 pulls7 pully10 quell14 quill14 quoll14 rally8 rille5 rills5 rolls5 salle5 sally8 scall7 scull7 sella5 selle5 sells5 shall8 shell8 shill8 sills5 silly8 skell9 skill9 skull9 small7 smell7 snell5 spall7 spell7 spill7 stall5 stell5 still5 stull5 sully8 swell8 swill8 talls5 tally8 tells5 telly8 thill8 tills5 tilly8 tolls5 tolly8 trill5 troll5 trull5 tulle5 twill8 vells8 villa8 villi8 vills8 walla8 walls8 wally11 wells8 welly11 wills8 willy11 wolly11 wulls8 yells8 yills8 zilla14 zills14 hella8 rello5 aller5 zolle14 abolla8 allays9 allees6 allege7 allele6 allels6 alleys9 alliak10 allice8 allied7 allies6 allium8 allods7 allons6 allots6
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