Allot is valid Scrabble Word

Is allot a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is allot valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ALLOT in dictionary:

Words related to ALLOT

allots6 allotted9 allotting10

Words that contain ALLOT

allots6 ballot8 hallot9 tallot6 ballots9 challot12 halloth13 reallot7 shallot10 tallots7 allotted9 allottee8 allotter8 allotype13 allotypy16 balloted11 ballotee10 balloter10 challoth16 misallot10 preallot10 reallots8 shallots11 allotment11 allotrope11 allotropy14 allottees9 allotters9 allottery12 allotting10 allotypes14 allotypic16 ballotees11 balloters11 balloting12 ballotini11 misallots11 preallots11 allotheism15 allotments12 allotropes12 allotropic14 allotypies15 ballotings13 reallotted11 unallotted11 allotheisms16 allotropies13 allotropism15 allotropous13 allotteries11 misallotted14 preallotted14 reallotment13 reallotting12 allotropisms16 ballottement16 misallotment16 misallotting15 preallotting15 reallotments14 allotypically23 ballottements17 misallotments17 allotetraploid17 allotropically21 allotetraploids18 allotetraploidy21 allotriomorphic24 allotetraploidi18 allotetraploidies20

How to use ALLOT in a sentence

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