Felly is valid Scrabble Word

Is felly a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is felly valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for FELLY in dictionary:

Words related to FELLY

fellies10 felloe9

How to use FELLY in a sentence

Similar words containing FEL without suffix ly

fell7 felt7 felo7 felch13 felid9 fella8 fells8 felon8 felts8 felty11 refel8 felix15 befeld12 befell11 buffel14 duffel13 farfel12 felids10 feline9 fellah12 fellas9 felled10 feller9 felloe9 fellow12 felons9 felony12 felsic11 felted10 felter9 infelt9 keffel16 refell9 refels9 refelt9 rifely12 safely12 unfelt9 wifely15 duffels14 enfelon10 falafel13 farfels13 felafel13 felched16 felches15 felicia12 felines10 fellahs13 fellate10 fellers10 fellest10 fellies10 felling11 felloes10 fellows13 felonry13 felsite10 felspar12 felters10 feltier10 felting11 felucca14 felwort13 keffels17 misfell12 outfelt10 deepfelt14 enfelons11 falafels14 felafels14 felching17 feldgrau13 feldsher15 feldspar14 felicias13 felicity16 felinely14 felinity14 fellable13 fellahin14 fellated12 fellates11 fellatio11 fellator11 fellings12 fellness11 fellowed15 fellowly17 felonies11 felonous11 felsites11 felsitic13 felspars13 felstone11 feltered12 feltiest11 feltings12 feltlike15 feluccas15 Show more ...
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