Vill is valid Scrabble Word

Is vill a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is vill valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for VILL in dictionary:

Words related to VILL

township16 villar9 vills8

Words that contain VILL

villa8 villi8 vills8 evilly12 villae9 villan9 villar9 villas9 villus9 civilly15 drevill11 eviller10 village11 villain10 villans10 villany13 villein10 villose10 villous10 anvilled12 cavilled14 caviller13 cheville16 devilled13 drevills12 evillest11 pavillon13 pulville13 pulvilli13 venville14 villadom14 villager12 villages12 villagey15 villagio12 villains11 villainy14 villatic13 villeins11 villiaco13 villiago12 weevilly17 anvilling13 cavillers14 cavilling15 chevilles17 devilling14 grevillea13 pavillons14 pulvillar14 pulvilled15 pulvilles14 pulvillio14 pulvillus14 uncivilly17 venvilles15 villadoms15 villagers13 villagery16 villagios13 villagree13 villanage13 villanies12 villanous12 villenage13 villiacos14 villiagos13 villiform17 villosity15 villously15 weevilled16 villagier13 bedevilled17 bidonville16 cavillings16 dragsville15 dullsville14 grevilleas14 microvilli17 outvillain13 pulvilling16 pulvillios15 vaudeville17 villagioes14 villagrees14 villainage14 villainess13 villainies13 villainous13 villanages14 villanella13 villanelle13 villeinage14 villenages14 villiacoes15 villiagoes14 villagiest14 hicksville22 villainize22 weevillier16 bedevilling18 Show more ...

How to use VILL in a sentence

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