Coll is valid Scrabble Word

Is coll a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is coll valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for COLL in dictionary:

Words related to COLL

colled9 colls7

Words that contain COLL

colls7 colly10 collar8 colled9 collet8 collie8 collop10 collab10 collage10 collard10 collars9 collate9 collect11 colleen9 college10 collets9 collide10 collied10 collier9 collies9 colling10 collins9 colloid10 collops11 collude10 scollop11 collabs11 collaged12 collagen11 collages11 collapse12 collards11 collared11 collaret10 collated11 collates10 collator10 collects12 colleens10 colleger11 colleges11 collegia11 colleted11 collided12 collider11 collides11 colliers10 colliery13 collings11 collogue11 colloids11 colloque19 colloquy22 colluded12 colluder11 colludes11 colluvia13 collying14 collyria13 recollet10 scollops12 collagens12 collaging13 collagist12 collapsar13 collapsed14 collapses13 collarets11 collaring12 collating12 collation11 collative14 collators11 colleague12 collected14 collector13 collegers12 collegial12 collegian12 collegium14 colleting12 colliculi13 colliders12 colliding13 colligate12 collimate13 collinear11 collinses11 collinsia11 collision11 collocate13 collodion12 collodium14 collogued13 collogues12 colloidal12 colloqued21 colloques20 colloquia20 collotype16 collotypy19 Show more ...

How to use COLL in a sentence

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